This is the new homestead in Mineral Hill, NM. The total property is about 42 acres, but I'll sell off a bit and keep the best 10 acres or so. The local landmark is Hermit's Peak, and this will be the view from my front porch.
There's a small house on the property now. Although not my dream house, it'll do until the dream house gets built, or I'll just add on to this one, hopefully in 2008.
To the northwest and west are the Santa Fe mountains... the aspens were just starting to turn gold in October.
The lot is mostly wooded, with scattered patches of grass in the forest. A few goats will make short work of the underbrush.
When you get to the back of the property, there are huge rock outcroppings and it drops off steeply to a stream.
The dogs totally approve of the stream....
If I build a new house, this will be the site. If you use your imagination and cut down some of the trees, you can see Hermit's Peak right in the center of the photo.